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    html模版北京環球教育:從《人民的名義》報道中學英文詞匯 最近非常火的一個電視劇TV series 《人民的名義》可以說紅遍瞭大江南北。翻譯完稿子,環球教育北京學校林遷老師偶讀外刊(Foreign Media),突然間發現瞭外國各大媒體Media都報道瞭這部令人拍手叫好的片子,可以說是blockbuster瞭吧。

    筆者今天就帶領“烤鴨”們一一來領略其對雅思口語Ielts Speaking有用的Phrases Expressions:

    A dashing detective bursts into a secret villa and uncovers huge stacks of cash stuffed in fridges,closets and beds.Meanwhile,the villa's owner -a government official -crawls on the floor and begs for his life.

    This is the dramatic opening scene in China's latest hit TV show,In the Name of the People,which made its high-profile debut last month.

    Eg: At that time, he was a dashing,charming and charismatic guy,I really had a crush on him.那時候他是一個風度翩翩,魅力無窮及充滿人格魅力的傢夥,我挺迷戀他。

    Eg: The product was such a hit that women wore them as accessories around concert grounds.

    The series, about China's anti-corruption campaign, has gripped millions of viewers across the country. Some have compared it to the American political drama House of Cards, which has a huge Chinese following.

    In the show, local government leaders try to sabotage a top justice's arrest order; laid-off workers hold violent protests against a corrupt deal between the government and a corporation; and fake police drive bulldozers into forced eviction sites.

    Viewers have been lapping it up. "This TV drama feels so real.It really cheers people up," one viewer wrote on social media network Weibo.

    "I shed tears after watching this drama. This is the tumour of corruption that has been harming the people,"said another Weibo commenter.

    Eg: Personally speaking,he is a genius in language learning,I mean,he has gripped of several languages.我個人覺得,他是一個學習語言的天才,我的意思是,他已經掌握瞭好幾種語言瞭。

    Eg: These clever students lap up all the information that I can give them. 這些聰明的學生很快接受瞭我能給他們的所有信息。

    Eg: I think he misses her terribly . you might cheer him up.我估計他實在太想念她瞭。也許你可以讓他打起點兒精神來。

    More than a decade ago, anti-corruption dramas suddenly disappeared from Chinese primetime television. Authorities in 2004 had decided to restrict the production of such dramas as too many were of poor quality.

    But when Chinese President Xi Jinping took power in 2012 and launched a sweeping campaign against graft, anti-corruption got back in vogue.

    Chinese state media has extensively covered crackdowns on corrupt officials, and TV networks have rolled out documentaries showing officials confessing on camera and sobbing with remorse - even China's anti-corruption agency did a show about corruption within its ranks.

    Eg: The broadcast went out on television at pri台中公司登記費用me time, when everyone was watching. 這個電視節目在眾人皆看的黃金時間播出。

    Eg: The French style of trousers is very much in vogue just now.法國式褲子現在非常流行。

    Eg: We'll give her some VIP trea成立海外公司tment and roll out the red carpet.我們將給予她貴賓級禮遇,並且為她鋪設紅地毯。

    In The Name of The People is thus the latest piece of propaganda aimed at portraying the government's victory in its anti-corruption campaign.

    At least it does a decent job in entertaining viewers, buil台中有限公司登記ding suspense and intrigue. In one episode an investigator gets hit by a truck just as he is about to meet an informant,while in another the deputy mayor flees the country with the help of a mysterious government mole.

    In entertaining viewers, building suspense and intrigue 給觀眾帶來娛樂,引起懸念和引起好奇心

    Eg: The TV program which definitely does a great job in entertaining viewers,building suspense and intrigue.

    歷年來,雅思口語考試中Part2都有一個長久不衰的old topic——Describe a TV program you like,筆者建議不妨在test的時候用上這麼一句,定然會讓你的ielts speaking 與眾不同 outstanding!!!

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